Now, that's a disclaimer paragraph!

How many times have you looked at the bottom of the first page of an economics paper, and read something like "we would like to thank X, Y, and Z for useful comments and corrections. All remaining mistakes are our own", where X, Y and Z are well known scholars, usually named in decreasing order citation count.

Well, step back and let 14th century polymath Ibn Khaldun show you how its done:

In a way, at-Turtushi aimed at the right idea, but did not hit it. He did not realize his intention or exhaust his problems. 
We, on the other hand, were inspired by God. He led us to a science whose truth we ruthlessly set forth. If I have succeeded in presenting the problems of (this science) exhaustively and in showing how it differs in its various aspects and characteristics from all other crafts, this is due to divine guidance. If, on the other hand, I have omitted some point, or if the problems of (this science) have got confused with something else, the task of correcting remains for the discerning critic, but the merit is mine since I cleared and marked the way [emphasis added].
 I don't think seminar presentations were the norm back then, but I bet his would have started with "Please feel free to make comments. If you find a mistake I will claim credit anyway."

In all seriousness, the passage reveals an interesting way of looking at things. In effect, Ibn Khaldun claims no credit for the parts in which he is right, since those are the product of divine inspiration. He instead claims credit for the part where he is wrong in an interesting and illuminating way, since those are the parts that will stimulate further discussion.


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